Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shared Reading Schedule

I have always been skeptical about shared reading. Do kids really make meaning of the text when they are reading aloud with 25 other students? Do they really internalize the reading process through choral reading? This semester has sold me on the power of shared reading. Shared reading provides a safe learning environment for students to practice meaningful reading behaviors such as fluency and comprehension. Most importantly, shared reading builds confidence that builds better readers.

Below is the weekly schedule for shared reading. You should use the same text for an entire week so that students are able to dive deep into the text.

Monday: Introduce book and read for comprehension
Tuesday: Use meaning, syntax, and visuals to solve tricky words
Wednesday: Learn and solve new vocabulary words
Thursday: Practice fluency
Friday: Read for deeper comprehension

Nonfiction Jots

Mrs. C uses three ways to get your students jotting about nonfiction.
1. Connections
2. Questions
3. Changed thinking

To challenge your students to think deeper about the text, teach them to grow big ideas from their jots.